Region Event Policy
Approved by the Board of Directors on June 15, 2023
A. Purpose
Each program year, Region Councils may host: 1) a New Member event for local participants in the current Cornerstone, Connect, Education, and Executive Class programs, 2) a recruiting event for those Class programs, and 3) a Welcome event for the current class of Cornerstone, Connect, Executive, and Education programs if such a program is held in that Region. Regions may also choose to host additional events for members, including “but for Leadership Florida” experiences. This policy outlines requirements for hosting all Region events.
B. Requirements
- Approved: All events must be approved by Leadership Florida staff, who will take into consideration the criteria below as well as the Statewide events calendar.
- Mission-Driven: Events must advance one or more elements of Leadership Florida’s mission to (a) discover and convene committed individuals, enhancing and recharging their leadership skills by introducing them to a powerful community through whom they find knowledge and inspiration, (b) engage Floridians by providing essential information and a meaningful forum for their opinions, and (c) create opportunities for shared experiences that are inviting, inspiring and of lasting value.
- Cost-Conscious: Events must be affordable and not pose a financial risk to the organization. Events that maximize Leadership Florida’s social capital to keep expenses low are preferred. Regions may seek sponsorship support from non-Statewide Sponsors as provided in Policy 402 on Sponsorship/Fundraising with permission from the President and CEO or their designee. Resources required must be committed with adequate time for planning and approval by Leadership Florida. Funds identified for a specific event must remain in that Region’s account and cannot be transferred for another use without the approval of the President and CEO (see Policy 402.) The total funds raised for a single event, not including in-kind donations, may not exceed $10,000 without advance approval from the Executive Committee. Region event planners must notify Leadership Florida with ample time to request such approval.
- Non-Partisan: Events must avoid advocacy, embracing partisan or political dogma or viewpoints or create the impression that Leadership Florida is engaged in said behavior such that it would jeopardize Leadership Florida’s status as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt entity. If the event involves discussion and debate on one or more issues of public importance, the event must be organized so that (a) the presenters or facilitators involved in the discussion be inclusive of the spectrum of viewpoints and, whenever appropriate, have representation of both major political parties or related entities and (b) the content of the discussion is fair, balanced, non-partisan, non-advocacy and educational (see Policy 504.)
- Sensitive: Leadership Florida members serve in over 5,000 nonprofit organizations statewide, all doing valuable work to enhance the quality of life in our state. Our organization strives to not promote one nonprofit over another. Instead, Leadership Florida encourages personal service by its members. Fundraising for other organizations is prohibited (see Policy 409.)
- Low-Risk: Leadership Florida staff will not sign contracts obligating the organization to pay funds that are not already committed. Leadership Florida has an umbrella policy that provides basic event insurance. For venues requiring higher levels of coverage, Leadership Florida may obtain a special event rider, the premium for which will be charged to the host Region.
- For Members: Attendance at events is generally restricted to members who are current on their dues. There may be exceptions, i.e. holiday gatherings, where members’ families may also be permitted to attend, or when the event is designed to re-engage inactive members.
At the end of each fiscal year, unused Region funds will be placed in Leadership Florida’s unrestricted net assets to strengthen the future financial health of the organization.