Leadership Florida - Northeast Region - Navigating AI Tech & Literacy in Ed
Ben Hill Griffin Stadium - University of Florida
157 Gale Lemerand DrGainesville, FL 32611
United States
Event Details
Emerging Trends: Navigating AI Technologies and Literacy in Education
Northeast and East Central Region members and their guests are invited to step into the future of education for this free exclusive event! Embark on a thought-provoking journey with our panel of experts from the University of Florida, Lastinger Center, and Microsoft, including Nigel Newbutt, Ethan Fieldman, Phil Poekert, Markus Santoso, and Laylah Bulman. The panel will shed light on technologies like artificial intelligence, virtual reality, as well as literacy. The afternoon continues with a delightful selection of hors d'oeuvres, where you can mingle with pioneers in the field and experience groundbreaking reading and artificial intelligence demos through virtual and augmented reality. Conclude your experience with a leisurely tour of the iconic University of Florida stadium, making it a day to remember.
Program Agenda:
- Welcome & Introductions
- Panel Discussion
- Mix and Mingle with Light Refreshments
- Optional Stadium Tour
Name: Laylah Bulman
Affiliation: Microsoft
Specialization: Creator of Minecraft’s Cyber, Artificial Intelligence, Coding, and Literacy Games
Name: Nigel Newbutt
Affiliation: University of Florida
Specialization: Autism, Virtual Reality, Immersive Technologies, Head-Mounted Display, ICT
Name: Ethan Fieldman
Affiliation: Founder and CEO of Curio XR
Specialization: Improving Learning Outcomes With Technology
Name: Phil Poekert
Affiliation: Director of the Lastinger Center for Learning
Specialization: Literacy
Name: Markus Santoso
Affiliation: University of Florida
Specialization: Augmented and Virtual Reality, Wearable Technologies, NUI, UX/UI, and Serious-game Development
For More Information:
Thank you to our Region sponsors!
Thank you to our statewide sponsors!