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Giving Challenge 2O23 - Other

2023 Giving Challenge

Please ensure you are logged in so your Region and Class will receive proper credit.

Honor someone with a donation through Leadership Florida by providing their name and email; they'll receive a note about your gesture.

For donations in memory of a loved one, supply family contact information to share your thoughtfulness.

Challenge a friend by sharing their details, and Leadership Florida will notify them.

If your company matches donations, inform Leadership Florida to maximize your contribution.

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Let's Get Some Additional Information

Please complete the requested information below to finish adding Giving Challenge 2O23 - Other to your cart.

I'm giving in honor of a Leadership Member.  (Please type the Member's name. We will ensure credit to the proper Region and Class of the Member.)
If you are making this donation in honor of someone, please list that person's name and email here.  Leadership Florida will send a note to the honoree to let them know.
Challenge a classmate?  Region friend?  Enter the name and email address and Leadership Florida will send a note about your challenge.
If you are making this donation in memory of a loved one or another member, please list family contact information (name, email, address)  Leadership Florida will send a note to the family member to let them know of your thoughtful gesture.
Does your company match donations?  Let us know!