Annual Awards Nomination Form

Awards Nominations for 2020 have closed.

Award List and Descriptions

Leadership Florida Annual Awards Recognition

Distinguished Member Award

This award recognizes a Leadership Florida member whose continued leadership activity, outside of his or her professional responsibilities, has exemplified the highest standards of Leadership Florida and whose activities achieved results or set an example of statewide influence.

Florida Impact Award

This award recognizes a business or nonprofit organization that has created a specific project or body of work whose impact is currently transforming the future of its region or beyond and has the potential to transform Florida as a whole.

LeRoy Collins Lifetime Achievement Award

In recognition of the impeccable standards, Governor LeRoy Collins set for leadership in our state, in 1991 the Lifetime Achievement Award was renamed in his honor.  The purpose of this award is to recognize an individual who, like Governor Collins, has gone above and beyond by using his or her leadership abilities over a lifetime to improve the quality of life for Florida's citizens and its future generations.  The Recipient of this award is not required to be a member of Leadership Florida.  

 “but for” Leadership Florida” Award

The "but for” Leadership Florida Award was created in 2017 in recognition of President Emeritus Wendy Walker’s 28 years of devotion to creating "but for” Leadership Florida experiences for our members.  Its purpose is to recognize a Leadership Florida member who has used specific knowledge gained and/or relationships built through his or her Leadership Florida experiences to improve the lives of fellow Floridians.  In addition to the honor itself, Leadership Florida will donate $2,500 to the recipient’s organization of choice, subject to the approval of the Awards Committee.

Nominations of an individual or company for the above-listed award categories must be submitted using the online submission form.  An announcement will be made when the 2019-2020 nominating process begins.